SGA E-Board

The 学生会 Association Executive Board is responsible for various aspects of student life at the University.



安东尼·勒布朗 '25 is a currently enrolled in the 3+1 Dual Degree program at the Barney School of Business double majoring in Business Management and Risk Management and Insurance. He was born and raised in Waterbury, Connecticut. He enjoys biking, hiking, swimming, exploring new things, and anything outdoorsy. Anthony previous served as the freshman senator and was apart of 学生会 all four years of high-school. 他也是巴尼领导委员会的成员, 西班牙裔和拉丁裔学生协会, 在财政援助部工作. His initiatives as President include planning Pre-Flight and First Flight, 注重学生参与, 安全, 舒适, 意识, 透明度, 以及新兴的担忧. 校外活动, Anthony leads a program called Young Representative of Waterbury teaching youth to advocate for themselves, 培养领导能力, 申请大学/奖学金, 还有更多!

Feel free to stop by his desk in GSU 120 to talk about any concerns, questions, or just to chat!


法拉仿麂皮 is a double major in Philosophy and Sociology with minor in Politics and Government within the College of Arts and Sciences here at UHart. She has lived in Connecticut most of her life, Glastonbury/Ellington, but is originally Syrian. 在SGA, she manages operational material and oversees the Representative elections as well as the SGA constitution. SGA之外, she is also a part of the Women's Advancement Initiative's LEAD program in the 2025' cohort and is on the pre-law track in the hope of attending law school after graduation. In her free time, she can be found reading, baking, crocheting, and playing games. And on campus is most often found in the library, more specifically Starbucks. Feel free to come to GSU 120 to say hi or share any questions or concerns.

Karyna Cortes-Lopez:学生事务主席 

办公室:GSU 120

Maliqa Mosley-William
Maliqa Mosley-Williams校董会

Maliqa is a fourth year student in Barney’s 3+1 program. She completed her undergraduate degree majoring in marketing with a management minor, and is currently working on her MBA with a concentration in business analytics. In addition to her role in the student government association, she acts as president of Strong Independent Sisters. She is also involved in helping hawks service scholars and red caps. 在这个角色中, she plans to not only be an effective liaison between the student body and board of regents, but promote the advancement of a diverse and inclusive campus community.


办公室:GSU 120

罗伊斯顿·莱斯特 : 多样性, Equity, 包容 and Justice Chair

罗伊斯顿的26, a Criminal Justice major with a prospective minor in Sociology or Africana Studies, 来自风景如画的圭亚那海岸, a small country nestled along the Caribbean Sea. With a fervent dedication to advocacy and inclusion, Royston has left an indelible mark on our campus community. 以前, he served as the 包容 and 多样性 Representative on the 学生会 Association (SGA) Board of Representatives. His unwavering commitment to championing the rights and well-being of all students inspired him to seek an executive board position with the ultimate goal of effecting a transformation within our academic institution. Royston's vision is clear: to cultivate a secure haven where every student, 不管他们是什么种族, 性, 宗教, 或者性别认同, 感到被重视和支持. This passion extends beyond his role in the SGA; Royston actively engages with various campus organizations. He proudly serves as a Tour Guide and College Influencer for Red Key, 艺术与科学大使, 还是一位敬业的学生活动家. In Royston's tireless pursuit of positive change, he embodies the essence of a compassionate and forward-thinking leader, dedicated to making our academic institution a better place for all.

Deyanna Williams-Barnaby :内务

办公室:GSU 120


Samantha is in the Barney School of Business and is a part of the 3+1 program. She is majoring in entrepreneurial studies with a minor in project management. 在SGA, 萨曼莎负责监管所有社交媒体平台, as well as promoting events throughout the year. Her goal is to ensure that the student body is aware of what’s going on campus in terms of events or other info! SGA之外, she is a part of the Women’s Advancement Initiative Lead program, 巴尼领导委员会, 和步. 在UHart之外, Samantha stands as a member of the Advisory Council for a National Latina Organization, 魔法. She enjoys spending time with family/friends, reading, and exploring nature.

达盖恩斯: 遗产与传统主席

办公室:GSU 120


狄龙琼斯 is a second-year student at the 立博体育官网. He is a business management major in Barney’s 3+1 program. He strives to enhance the student body’s learning experience. 如果他们有任何顾虑或问题. He will strive to help them and give them be best solution to their problems. 任何人都欢迎.

办公室:GSU 120


马修·艾 '25 is a double major in Marketing and Sports Management. 他是红钥匙协会的成员, 哈特福德男子足球俱乐部, 学生慈善事业, 和巴尼领导委员会. He plans on promoting financial literacy and 透明度 throughout UHart for all clubs and organizations.





Torshia V. 麦克斯韦

Executive Director, 学生参与 and 包容





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